Sunday, August 15, 2010

We have just returned from a wonderful vacation to New Hampshire. We ended up driving and the reasons are numerous, so to save the explanation it just was the best thing under the circumstances for us to do. It worked out great. Andy and Gail left on August 3 and made it to NH by the morning of the 6th.

We saw many friends, visited with family, went to the lake, did plenty of shopping and just had a wonderful time. We all left on our journey home on Aug. 12. Our first stop was in Palmyra, NY. We went to the Smith Farm, the Sacred Grove and the Hill Cumorah. The boys thought it was great and the walk in the Sacred Grove left lasting impressions. We drove as far as Cleveland, OH the first day. We discovered a chain restaurant Andy actually liked. It is called Shake and Steak and if you come across one make a stop. It serves good hamburgers and big shakes.

Day Two was the longest, or it seemed like the longest. We made it to Lincoln, Nebraska and on the way stopped at the worlds largest truck stop in Iowa. One more thing to check off we saw on the Travel Channel and said "hey, if we ever go by we should stop." Day Three we got as far as Salt Lake City. We arose Sunday morning to attend the Music & Spoken Word and then walked around Temple Square. Again, some great impressions were made. We all really liked the bag pipers during the performance. We are all glad to be home.

Hope all is well where ever you may be.

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