Saturday, August 21, 2010

We have had a great week back from our trip to NH. It was back to work for Gail and Andy. Andy found out this week he will be teaching a second course at the local college this semester which he is excited. In addition to the Introduction to American Government class he will be doing an on-line Introduction to American History class. Needless to say we will not be seeing much of him between September and December. The pay off is we have some extra money to do some fun things. Classes begin for him on August 30th, so he has spent the week getting his materials ready.

Gail continues to do her cleaning, but also picked up some additional voice students. Andy was not exaggerating when he said she is very popular and sought after for her voice instruction.

Matthew had an exciting week. He spent most of it with his grandparents in Idaho. He went to the rodeo, a water park and even got to camp out in the backyard, sleeping in a tent. He reports he had a wonderful time. He left on Tuesday and returned Sunday. Just in time to return to school.

It is hard to believe but the summer is over and the boys start school on Monday the 23rd. Nikolas is returning to the elementary school he went to when we first moved. He is excited because he will have the same teacher he had for second grade. He is even more excited about the ability to walk to school. This idea does not excite Mom, but we did some training and did a trial run and he did OK. Nikolas enjoyed having the house all to himself this week, but admitted he misses Matthew. Andy and Gail will remind him at the appropriate time. Matthew begins 6th grade and we cannot believe our little boy is almost in middle school.

That about sums up our week. We hope all is well in your section of the globe.

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