Saturday, August 27, 2011

School has begun and the first week has thus far been a success. There were no complaints and each boy reports he likes his respective new school which is a great relief. Matthew is excited about science club and Nikolas is talking about band. Hopefully, Week Two will go just as well.

The rest of the Mierins life is pretty much the same. Gail is enjoying the quiet of the day. She is still teaching voice and practicing with her singing group which takes up a good amount of her time. Andy's office had an attorney retire the end of August and thus his work has increased slightly. He also starts teaching his college classes this week and is excited to begin. Essentially it has been the same routine for both.

Matthew and Andy enjoyed a fun trip to the Twin Falls Temple Saturday. Each is looking for many more opportunities. The temple certainly serves as a strength and how grateful we are for them upon the earth.

We hope all is well.

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