Sunday, August 2, 2009

This was a big week for our family. Yesterday Nikolas was baptized and we are so excited for him. We had some great support and want to thank again our friends and family who came to support us. We had a great time and enjoyed the time we had to visit with one another afterwords. We are so proud of Nikolas for taking this great step in his life.

Gail and Andy were excited to have the boys back home. Matthew and Nikolas stayed in New Hampshire to visit with Grandma and Jim. The first few days were great but by Monday we both missed having the boys with us. The boys reported they had a great time on their own. They arrived back on Thursday and Grandma and Jim came to visit for a few days as well. While here Jim, Nikolas and Andy went to the driving range; the boys did tons of swimming at the hotel and Friday afternoon we all went for a nice drive up to Lamoille Canyon. Grandma and Jim left today and hope they had a safe trip back to New Hampshire.

Friday afternoon our good friend Paula arrived with her kids. She came out for Nikolas' baptism and spent a day with us. It was great to see here as well as another of our good friend's Leta on Saturday. We enjoyed having the company.

Andy and Gail were quite busy while the boys were in New Hampshire. Both worked quite a bit, but they managed to spend some time together and went on several dates.

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