Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year.

What a fast week this has been. We hope everyone is well and has a happy and prosperous new year. With all the terrible things occurring in the world, know that the Mierins family is well. We are all healthy and are together and despite what may occur around us we have each other and the joy that relationship brings. We hope the same is true for those friends and family who read our blog.

Matthew had a pretty exciting week. He spent the 1st half with his grandparents in Idaho. He was excited to get home because with his Christmas money he bought 10 pounds of Legos on Ebay. The box was waiting for him when he got back Wednesday afternoon. He enjoyed his time in Idaho. He played with cousins, went to the YMCA to swim (Grandpa reported he looked like a prune when he got out) and just had time away from "his annoying brother." We are all glad he had a good time.

Nikolas liked having the house to himself, but did complain (surprise, surprise) that he didn't have anyone to play with. He did like having unfettered access to the computer and the ability to watch whatever he wanted on TV. We got a new TV for Christmas and bought an amplified antenna, so we now have all the major networks to watch. We are holding firm though to no cable. While he won't admit it he missed his bigger brother. It became quite apparent because within 15 minutes of Matthew being home the two of them had an argument.

Gail and Andy are well. Gail had a few cleaning accounts, but mostly enjoyed being home with Nikolas. Andy had to work and had a busy Wednesday before heading to get Matthew on Wednesday. He met Gail's parents in Grasmere, ID to get Matthew. It is about a 2 hour drive. Grasmere only has an abandoned gas station and is quite a sight. He was off on Thursday and then back to work on Friday. Friday was pretty quiet, which he liked. He is getting a bit nervous about taking the Nevada Bar Exam in February. He as been doing some studying, but has put together a great plan for then next two months. The rest of our weekend was uneventful.

We had a family night for New Years. We played games, watched a movie and enjoyed each others company. We all went to bed fairly early. Thursday we worked around the house and just hung out.

We hope all is well with you all.

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