Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome April

What a wonderful week the Mierins family has had. Last Sunday afternoon we travelled to Salt Lake City for a few days. Matthew had some doctors appointments at Primary Children's. We stayed downtown in an area that Andy served while on his mission and what a change the area has gone through. We feel very fortunate to have these doctors available for Matthew. His Neurologist specializes in pediatric strokes and runs a clinic where that is all she sees. All the appointments went well. We need to return in May to see one more doctor, but thus far Matthew is doing great and the doctors are pleased with what each saw.

As a family we also enjoyed some time together. Nikolas went to the children's museum and as a family we went to the Clark Planetarium. The planetarium was just neat. We saw a 3-D IMAX film about see dinosaurs. We came home Tuesday after doing some shopping. It was nice to be able to get away for a few days.

This week was spring vacation for the boys so they enjoyed being home. The boys mostly played outside and just had a great time. Unfortunately, the pool schedule was different so we didn't get to go this past week, but look forward to getting back this week. After being sick for quite a while it appears the family has gotten over it all.

Andy has his first solo jury trial this week, so once we got back he was busy getting ready for his trial. He continues to enjoy his job.

We were so excited to be able to participate in the Solemn Assembly to sustain President Monson on saturday morning. General Conference weekend is always a boost to our family. We hope each of you take advantage of the opportunity to hear a prophet speak. We all hope each of you are well and until next week.

1 comment:

My Awsome Family! said...

Oh my! I have been searching feverishly for you for the past month and a half! Pacey, Sapphira, and I were so sad to learn that you all had moved so far away. Email me so we can catch up I'll send you some pics of the girls and my family.

Jennifer, Pacey, Sapphira Hosmer