Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The past week flew by. We had a pretty exciting Sunday last week. Our family was asked to speak in sacrament meeting and everyone, including the boys participated. We all spoke on the same subject. By all accounts everyone did well and Mom and Dad we very proud of the boys for overcoming their fears and giving their talks.

Monday was also exciting as we got our pool pass. We have been once to swim and Andy has gone each morning this week. He has made some new swimming friends and reports that he is enjoying getting back into the swimming routine. The boys had a great time swimming with Dad and are looking forward to the next trip.

Andy's big homicide trial begins Tuesday. He is nervous and has been working quite hard and a lot of hours to get prepared. Andy was in Salt Lake City on Saturday participating in our Stake Temple Day. He made a trip out in the morning, stopped at Costco for some supplies and then was back in Elko in time to go to work for a bit.

Gail's Relief Society event went very well and she is glad it is over. Now she can get back to the other things she has been meaning to get to. Gail is looking forward to Spring and this past week we had some real spring like weather. We are all actually pretty excited to have warmer weather so we can get out and explore.

That about sums up our week. We hope you all are well. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

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