Sunday, January 20, 2008

Well, this week has been a quick one for all of us. The boys continued at school and from all reports had a good week. Nikolas took a spill on some ice at school and ended up scraping his face and getting a black eye. As Andy has said on a few occasions, thank goodness we have the AFLAC insurance now.

Gail began her new job cleaning this week. She is cleaning in the evening the day care center she has been working at. She now works in the mornings which gives her the afternoon at home which she likes. Additionally, she only works Monday to Thursday.

Andy had a quiet week as well. A few hearings and some meetings with clients. In a few weeks he will have a day with about 6 trials out in Wendover. He is looking forward to that. He is still working on the murder trial and in about a week things will pick up with that matter.

The Nevada Caucuses brought attention to Elko. On Friday we had visits from Senators Clinton, Obama and Edwards and Governor Romney even came for a visit. It was quite exciting.

This weekend we enjoyed some time visiting with Gail's family in Idaho. We drove up Friday afternoon and returned today. We had dinner with her family and also went sledding. Unfortunately we forgot the camera, but I can tell you the west's idea of sledding is much different than in New Hampshire. The hill was huge and you can get some great runs. Matthew and Nikolas had a ball. Nikolas got a white wash. Andy and Nikolas went down the hill and in an attempt to stop using his feet kicked up a bunch of snow.

That about sums up our week. We hope you are all well.

1 comment:

Scrappycook said...

Hey Gail! Sounds like you are all doing great! It must be nice to live so close to family - I hope we will be in that same situation someday. Have a great week!